Mission: To educate and promote interests in mineralogy, geology, paleontology, gemology, lapidary, jewelry making, and treasure hunting.

The Worcester Mineral Club was founded is 1938 and has grown to become one of the largest mineral clubs in all of New England. We are a 501c3 non-profit that operates solely through the efforts of our volunteers. The purpose of the club is to educate and promote interests in mineralogy, geology, paleontology, gemology, lapidary, jewelry making, and treasure hunting. We do this through field trips, membership meetings, informative lectures, the annual mineral and gem show, and more.

Members have several opportunities to get involved and use their talents to expand the club’s reach within the community. Members meet monthly to discuss club business and hear informative talks from experts within the mineral community. The club also hosts an annual mineral and gem show in November and an annual auction in December. Field trips are an excellent way for members to learn, discover and be with like-minded “rockhounds”. Field trip season is generally late spring through late fall to locations throughout New England and often to places closed to the public.

Each member has unique interests and reasons for joining the club. Nevertheless, we all share a love of “the find”. If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a member, click here to visit the membership page.

Feel free to contact any of our club officers for more information

President: Sara Furbush
Email: saracollectsrocks@gmail.com

Vice President: Bob Manlick
Email: bobmanlick@yahoo.com

Treasurer: Naomi Campbell Siok
Email: naomic8581@aol.com

Secretary: Barbara Chickosky
508 631-4276
Email: tourmalinemomma@gmail.com


Selected Appointed Officers:

Membership Chair: Brittnay Wiley, Email: wmcemails@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor: Cheryl Miller, Email: miller.cheryla@gmail.com

Field Trip Chair: Tim Siok Tsiok54@yahoo.com